Animals videos

Videos for animal associations but also to keep memories of our furry loves

Note: For commercial use write an assignment of intellectual property rights to a work.

Kittens and puppies session

Personal use, souvenirs

Photo shoot for kittens & puppies

Session for kittens

Personal use, souvenirs

Photo shoot for kittens & puppies


Choreography Macha Daudel & Sarah.O

HUMANIMAL Macha Daudel / Sarah.O

Canicross of January 10, 2021

Photo shoot for kittens & puppies
A day at the Gard O Dog
The "gardians" bring the bulls
HUMANIMAL Macha Daudel / Sarah.O

4K videos of pets

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At home

The animals will be less disturbed and calmer in their natural environment, in your home, in the garden etc. Several cameras can be placed on their route, the Gopro can be fixed etc.

You and your animal

If you're like me, pets are part of the family. Keep memories of your pet with you or your loved ones! afterwards it's too late.

Animal associations

Associations often have to report on their activities in photos or videos, here is an example of canicross:

A day at the Gard O Dog